A nonuniform quantization index modulation watermarking algorithm based on image wavelet transform was presented to improve the robustness and invisibility of digital watermark. 为了提高数字水印的稳健性与不可见性,将图像小波变换与量化索引调制算法相结合,提出了一种基于小波变换的非均匀量化索引调制数字水印算法。
A new and generic two-stage coding scheme is thus proposed, based on the nonuniform zero-trees of wavelet coefficients and the visually nonuniform quantization of small coefficients in higher subbands. 该方案基于小波域非均匀零树结构量化和高频低能系数的视觉非均匀量化。
A spectrum sensing algorithm based on information theory in CR is considered to avoid the influence by noise uncertainty. By introducing the nonuniform quantization, the spectrum entropy-based detection scheme is proposed. 为克服噪声不确定度对频谱检测性能的影响,本文研究了认知无线电中的基于熵的频谱感知问题,将非均匀量化思想引入熵检测理论中,提出了非均匀量化谱熵的频谱检测方法。